9-23-24 Police Recover Deceased Male From Riverbed in Ninole

Hawai‘i Police Department
Area I Criminal Investigation Section
Lieutenant Zachary Fernando
Phone: (808) 961-2252
Report No.: 24-087092

Media Release

Hawai‘i Island police have recovered the body of deceased man, presumed of being a missing person, who was last seen sitting on the edge of an 80-foot waterfall in Ninole, on Saturday afternoon, September 21, 2024.

At approximately 8:44 p.m. on Saturday evening, Hilo patrol officers initiated a missing persons investigation after a 44-year-old Hilo man reported that he hadn’t seen or heard from his employee since about 2:30 p.m. The employee, a 35-year-old Hilo man, was last seen sitting on the edge of a waterfall, located on a property in the 35-1000 block of Highway 19, in Ninole. The employee was intoxicated, and ignored numerous warnings from the employer to get off the edge of the waterfall.

As the employer completed the yard maintenance, he conducted another check for his employee at the waterfall, and other areas of the property, however the employee couldn’t be located. The employer then drove to Hilo and filed the missing person’s report. North Hilo patrol officers responded to the scene and conducted checks for the missing person, however he was unable to be located. Hawai‘i Fire Department rescue personnel were not deployed due to the safety concerns of a nighttime search.

On Sunday, September 22, at 10:40 a.m., the employee and detectives with the Area I Criminal Investigation Section located the body of a deceased male, on the riverbed below the waterfall, submerged about 6 feet under water. Hawai’i Fire Department rescue personnel extricated the body, which was then turned over to police for continued investigation. The victim was transported to the Hilo Benioff Medical Center for pronouncement of death.

Police have initiated a coroner’s inquest investigation, and have ordered an autopsy to determine the exact cause of death. Police will release the victim’s identity once positive identification has been made, and the next of kin have been notified. 

Police ask anyone who may have information regarding this incident to please call Detective Kimo Keli’ipa’akaua of the Area I Criminal Investigations Section at (808) 961-2375, or email at kimo.keliipaakaua@hawaiicounty.gov.

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