PHONE: 961-2305
JUNE 19, 2002
Big Island police will continue to use federal funds to enforce Hawaii’s seat belt laws even though the recent “Click It or Ticket” campaign is over, Sergeant Randy K. Apele, head of the Traffic Services Section, said.
“The purpose of the seat belt checkpoints is to increase the usage of seat belts and child restraints with the aim of reducing traffic fatalities,” Apele said.
During the “Click It or Ticket” campaign, which ran May 13 through June 7, 2002, the checkpoints resulted in 738 citations for seat belt violations, 25 citations for child restraint violations and 458 citations for other violations.
Apele said that as part of a continuing campaign, police will establish seat belt checkpoints around the island during the long July 4 holiday period next month.
He said officers will also be looking for violations of the state law governing passengers riding in the beds of pickup trucks.
Chapter 291-14 of the Hawaii Revised Statutes makes it illegal for a person to stand in the bed or load-carrying area of any pickup truck while the vehicle is in operation.
The law also prohibits passengers from sitting in the bed unless there is no seating available in the cab, the side racks of the truck are securely attached and the tailgate is securely closed and every passenger in the bed is seated on the floor and does not attempt to control unlashed cargo.
The law also prohibits any passenger 12 years of age or younger from riding in the truck bed unless there is an emergency that threatens the life of the passenger or the vehicle is being operated in a parade, caravan or exhibition that is “officially authorized or otherwise permitted by law.”
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