PHONE: 961-2253
MAY 8, 2003
Big Island police made two major drug busts in separate incidents over the past several days in Hilo.
In the most recent incident, which occurred Wednesday (May 7, 2003), Officer Gregg Silva of the South Hilo Patrol spotted a suspect who was wanted for a number of outstanding bench warrants and who was suspected of dealing drugs.
Silva arrested the suspect, identified as Gilbert Souza, 32, of a West Lanikaula Street address. Just before making the arrest, Silva noticed Souza place a black bag into a 1995 Pontiac Grand Am, and he called for a vice canine screening of the vehicle. The dog signaled that illegal drugs were in the car.
Police obtained a search warrant for the car, which resulted in the recovery of 32.5 grams of crystal methamphetamine, or “ice,” 20 grams of crack cocaine, 0.8 grams of marijuana, a 7.65-caliber handgun, various drug paraphernalia and $850 in cash. They also seized the Grand Am for forfeiture.
Souza is currently being held in the Hilo police cellblock pending further investigation.
In the earlier incident, Hilo Vice Section officers arrested a 19-year-old suspect Friday (May 2, 2003) after recovering crystal methamphetamine and crack cocaine.
The vice officers arrested Jaewin Gonsalves, of a Kupulau Road address, who was wanted on a bench warrant for contempt of court, after observing him and another individual sitting in a 2002 Honda two-door sedan at a local drive-in restaurant off Hualalai Street.
After making contact with the suspect, the officers became suspicious that drug activity was going on. They obtained a search warrant after the vice canine alerted them drugs were in the car. Searching the car, they recovered 7 grams of crystal methamphetamine and 14.2 grams of crack cocaine. They also seized $330 in cash and the Honda sedan for forfeiture.
Gonsalves was charged with four counts of promoting a dangerous drug and two counts of illegal possession of drug paraphernalia. He posted a $6,000 bail and was released pending his court appearance.
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